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A Brand is More Than a Logo

Auburn University maintains a growing portfolio of logos and other brand elements including logos, terminology, and more. In the sections below, you’ll find Auburn’s brand elements broken into categories including standard marks, vintage marks and verbiage.

Standard Logos

Interlocking AU Primary Mark

Auburn University’s primary logo.

Interlocking AU Dark Backgrounds

Primary logo for use on dark backgrounds.

Interlocking AU Orange Backgrounds

Primary logo for use on orange backgrounds.

Interlocking AU One-Color

Primary logo for one-color uses.

Interlocking AU One-Color Alternate

Primary logo for smaller one-color uses or difficult application such as debossing.

Tiger Eyes

Tiger Eyes. Auburn’s secondary spirit mark.

Auburn Athletics Copperplate Word Marks

Auburn Tigers official copperplate word mark.

Auburn Football Helmet Mark facing right

One of the most iconic helmet marks in all of college football.

War Eagle Mark

The War Eagle mark, when used on product, should always be accompanied by the words “War Eagle”.

College Vault / Vintage Logos

Beanie Tiger vintage logo

Auburn’s most popular vintage mark, the Beanie Tiger, has been around since the late 1940s.

One of Auburn’s more confusing marks features a bald eagle, although the symbol for Auburn University and the official War Eagle is always a golden eagle.

Calling all children of the 90s! Do you remember when this mark adorned both sides of Jordan-Hare’s south end zone scoreboard and they lit up when the crowd was loud?

Tiger leaping through A vintage logo

The Tiger leaping through the A is a vintage logo that was popular in the 80s and 90s and began reappearing on product in the fall of 2019.

Vintage Aubie logo

The vintage Aubie mascot mark is no longer used on product but is still a visible representation of one of the nation’s best mascots.

Block A vintage logo

The block A was made popular on headwear and that’s still the primary use today. Look for another Auburn mark to be used alongside this classic.

In 1872, East Alabama Male College became a state-owned, land-grant institution and was renamed the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama, changing to a state-supported college with emphasis on new scientific and agricultural programs. In 1899, the Alabama Legislature decided that a new name was needed to reflect the institution’s growth, and the college became the Alabama Polytechnic Institute or API.  More >>

Do you recognize this one? It’s the block A from the Beanie Tiger’s hat!

Script Auburn

The retro script Auburn was used primarily on baseball jerseys in the 1980s.

Institutional Mark

The official vertical institutional mark is also available in department-specific versions. Departmental marks are appropriate for most apparel and promotional product use.

Depending on print location and size, the horizontal institutional mark may work best. Department-specific marks are appropriate for most apparel and promotional product use.

A more informal version of the horizontal institutional mark. Department-specific marks are appropriate for most apparel and promotional product use.

University Seal

Full color Auburn University seal

The full-color Auburn University seal is used in official capacities such as on diplomas.

One color scalloped Auburn University seal

The scalloped Auburn University seal.

One color Auburn University seal

The one-color Auburn University seal.


Aubie the Tiger

Aubie the Tiger is the official mascot of Auburn University. It is often said Women love him, Children adore him, and Men want to be him. He’s an eleven-time UCA National Champion, the most of any mascot and the first to be inducted into the Mascot Hall of Fame. Keep up with Aubie, request an appearance and more at Aubie’s website.

In 2021, Auburn Licensing collaborated with the Division of Student Affairs and the Collegiate Licensing Company to launch updated Aubie marks. The first to launch was the “Aubie is #1” mark which was released shortly after his 10th UCA National Championship!

During 2021-2022, Auburn worked to add new poses from Aubie’s personality to his digital graphic portfolio. Approach Aubie and you’ll often get this look. It can mean a lot of things from “give me a hug” to simply announcing “Aubie’s here on the scene”.

Aubie can’t talk, but he sure can express himself! From costumes to crazy antics to making signs, you always know what is on Aubie’s mind! War Eagle!

Aubie has just the right amount of attitude and swag!

Aubie Claus

Aubie Claus is a fun and exciting event that will allow you and your family to get an early taste of the Holiday Spirit! Besides having the opportunity to get your Christmas pictures taken with your favorite Auburn Tiger, the event helps raise funds for the Aubie Program.


  • Auburn®
  • Auburn Tigers®
  • Auburn University®
  • War Eagle®
  • Alabama Polytechnic Institute®
  • All Auburn All Orange®
  • API®
  • AU®
  • Aubie®
  • Auburn Family®
  • Auburn Oaks®
  • AUO®
  • Bodda Getta®
  • Everything School®
  • Fearless & True®
  • I Believe in Auburn & Love It®
  • Iron Bowl®
  • Samford + Donahue®
  • Samford Hall Collection®
  • State of Auburn®
  • Sweet Home Auburn®
  • Tiger Walk®
  • War Damn®
  • War Damn Eagle®
  • WDE®
  • Weagle®
  • 1856
  • TigersTM
  • A Spirit that is Not AfraidTM
  • Auburn ArenaTM
  • Auburn Family All InTM
  • Auburn FastTM
  • All for AuburnTM
  • Beard-Eaves Memorial ColiseumTM
  • Deep South’s Oldest RivalryTM
  • Ever to ConquerTM
  • Hey DayTM
  • It’s Great to be an Auburn TigerTM
  • Jordan-Hare StadiumTM
  • Kick SixTM
  • ‘Neath the Sun Kissed SkyTM
  • Never to YieldTM
  • Neville ArenaTM
  • PlainsmanTM
  • Plainsman ParkTM
  • Samford HallTM
  • A Spirit that is Not AfraidTM
  • The PlainsTM
  • Track ’em TigersTM
  • WETM


Tiger Walk

Tiger Walk®  is an Auburn tradition which began in the early 1960s when Auburn players would walk from Sewell Hall to the football stadium and fans would line Donahue Drive to wish them well. Over the years, Tiger Walk has grown into a major part of game day at Auburn. Fans line the street more than two hours before game time to cheer, sing and support the team.

The "Rolled" Auburn Oaks at Toomer's Corner

The Auburn Oaks at Toomer’s Corner, located where College Street intersects Magnolia Avenue, have long been the gathering place for Auburn celebrations. After any football win, and significant victories in other sports, Auburn students and citizens alike join forces to “roll” the trees (and anything else that doesn’t move) at Toomer’s Corner with toilet paper. Celebrations after big wins leave the heart of town looking like a blizzard passed through.

Aurea Circles Jordan-Hare Stadium

War Eagle VIII, Auburn’s golden eagle named Aurea, gracefully circles the stadium and lands at midfield to continue a tradition that is uniquely Auburn before each home football game. Aurea has a wing span of more than six feet! She was named War Eagle VIII when War Eagle VII (named Nova) retired in 2019.

War Eagle VIII’s role is to help promote wildlife conservation as a part of the conservation education efforts of the Southeastern Raptor Rehabilitation Center, where she is housed by permission of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Campus Landmarks

Samford Hall and the Auburn University sign

Samford Hall and the Auburn University sign are two of the most recognizable and photographed landmarks on Auburn’s campus. Samford Hall was built in 1888 and serves as the main administration building. The clock tower plays Auburn’s War Eagle® fight song every day at noon.

Jordan-Hare Stadium

Jordan-Hare Stadium opened in 1939 and is home to the Auburn Tigers football team. With a seating capacity of 87,451, on football Saturdays in Auburn, Jordan-Hare becomes Alabama’s fifth-largest city. The stadium is named for Ralph “Shug” Jordan, Auburn’s all-time winningest football coach, and Clifford Leroy Hare, a member of Auburn’s first football team, president of the old Southern Conference and longtime chairman of Auburn’s Faculty Athletic Committee. Legendary coach Pat Dye has also had his name forever attached to Jordan-Hare Stadium, as the turf officially became known as Pat Dye Field at Jordan-Hare Stadium prior to the 2005 Iron Bowl. Read more here.

Cater Hall

Cater Hall is named for Katharine Cooper Cater, dean of women from 1946 until 1976, and dean of student life from 1976 until her death in 1980. Cater Hall originally served as the President’s Home. Today it houses administrative offices and the Honors College. The back steps of Cater Hall becoming a gathering spot for students and families as “call-outs” for everything from SGA elections to cheerleader tryouts occur there.

Special Programs: Original Aubie and Samford + Donahue

The Original Aubie Program

The Original Aubie standing

The Original Aubie was reintroduced in fall 2019 in 3 versions.

The Original Aubie reclined

The Original Aubie has a lot of swag and wants everyone to know he’s still #1!

The Original Aubie plays football

The Original Aubie suited up for the Tigers this fall and debuted inside a pop-up shop at Petrie Hall.

The Original Aubie basketball

By January, the Original Aubie had learned to hoop and was helping out the Tigers on the hardwood.

Original Aubie Baseball

The Original Aubie grabbed his bat and headed to Plainsman Park for the unveiling of the Frank Thomas statue in April 2023.

The Swinging Tiger has been synonymous with Auburn Golf for many years. In 2021, the design received slight updates – mostly for embroidery and consistency purposes.

Samford + Donahue Collection

Samford + Donahue mark - the state of Alabama with a power stripe design down the middle

The Samford + Donahue collection is a lifestyle line available at the Auburn University bookstore.

Samford + Donahue stacked wordmark

Samford + Donahue stacked wordmark helps to identify the product line.

More: Uniforms, Facilities, etc.

Uniform Elements

Navy Auburn Football Jersey

Auburn’s navy football jersey is worn at home games at Jordan-Hare Stadium and select neutral site games.

White Auburn Football Jersey

Auburn wears all white in road football games. When Auburn is the visiting team, fans often refer to them as the Stormtroopers.

Football Helmet Mark

With its iconic “power stripe” down the center of the helmet, Auburn’s lid is one of the most iconic helmets in all of college football.

Auburn Power Stripe

Recognizable from Auburn’s iconic football helmets, the Auburn Power Stripe is also used in digital branding, other sports uniforms and even the State of Alabama license plate for Auburn University.

Facilities & Campus Locations

Neville Arena Logo

Neville Arena seats 9,121 fans for basketball games, bringing Tiger fans close to the action. Auburn Arena replaced the old Beard-Eaves Memorial Coliseum as home of Tiger basketball for the 2010-11 season and was renamed Neville Arena in 2022. The facility also hosts volleyball matches and gymnastics meets.

Auburn Oas

The Auburn Oaks mark features a whisp of toilet paper that looks like an eagle. It was developed in 2013 when the original Auburn Oaks at Toomer’s Corner were removed and the Samford Park renovation began.

Although seldom used today, the Samford Tower mark once stood as the university’s primary academic mark (paired vertically or horizontally with “Auburn” or “Auburn University”). It is still a useful element to represent Auburn’s most iconic building, Samford Hall.
