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Registered Student Organization Names

Registered Student Organizations should include the word “club” or similar identifier in the name of the organization.  Identifiers include but are not limited to: Club, Society, Association, Sorority, Fraternity, Council, Institute, Group, Committee, Students, Students For…, Campus Ministry, Ambassadors, Recruiters, Fellowships, Community, Greek Letters, and/or Chapter.

Registered Student Organizations may include the words “at Auburn University” along with or as part of their organization’s name.  Acceptable alternatives include “at Auburn” or “at AU.”  This designation may not appear larger than the rest of the Registered Student Organization name.

Registered Student Organization Logos

Registered Student Organizations may create their own graphic logo that includes “at Auburn University”, “at AU”, or “at Auburn” but may not incorporate any additional Auburn trademark or references into the logo.  The organization name must be included with this graphic.  The text “at Auburn University”, “at AU” or “at Auburn” may not appear larger than the organization name.

Examples of organization graphic logos:
Bowling Club at Auburn University (fictional organization)

RSO Example Logos
Logos must be approved by the Division of Student Affairs and Office of Trademark Management and Licensing. Submit your proposed logo here.

Registered Student Organization Product Designs

Registered Student Organizations may use the interlocking AU logo, but may not use any other Auburn University logos, including Aubie, the word “Aubie,” seal, or vintage logos.

Registered Student Organizations may use design graphics that reflect the Auburn campus, including buildings, but the design may not alter the building or incorporate the student organization logo into the graphic or verbiage to reflect the purpose of the student organization.  Symbols that represent the organization may not surround any Auburn design graphic, verbiage, or AU logo or be overlaid, placed inside,  or intersect with the graphic,  verbiage or AU logo.   No patterns or designs may be placed inside Auburn marks.

Registered Student Organizations may use Auburn related verbiage, such as “War Eagle” “War Damn Eagle”, “Tigers”, portions of the Auburn Creed, fight song, alma mater and cheers, but that verbiage cannot be altered to reflect the name or purpose of the RSO. This verbiage should be separate from the the organization name.   “War Damn” may be used and followed by the RSO name or approved event name as long as it meets the requirements as outlined in this policy.

Licensed Vendors

Any product bearing Auburn University trademarks or references, despite the use, must be purchased from a vendor that has a license agreement with Auburn University Office of Trademark Management and Licensing and is royalty bearing.

No contract printing is allowed.

Promotional T-Shirts; Sponsors

Promotional t-shirts distributed in bulk for an event must be white.  Organizations may not use orange or navy promotional t-shirts without prior approval by the Division of Student Affairs and Office of Trademark Management and Licensing.

If any proposed design includes sponsor names/logos, the list of sponsors must be submitted for prior approval using the form below. Sponsor names or logos on product must be separated from any Auburn related design element.

Third-Party Intellectual Property

Use of intellectual property owned by a third party must be approved by that entity in writing and submitted to the Licensing Office along with the desired artwork. For example, if you wish to use another entity’s logo (i.e., professional sport team, clothing brands, food and beverage items, etc.), a written release allowing for such use is required before Auburn will grant design approval.  This type of approval process often takes weeks, so allow enough time for such approval to be obtained.

Student Organization Events

Events sponsored by a recognized student organization may not contain a University trademark or reference in the event name without permission from the Division of Student Affairs and the Office of Trademark Management and Licensing.

Prohibited Uses

Organization products and other designs that incorporate Auburn University’s name and/or trademarks may not reflect any of the following:

  • Elements that state or imply Auburn University’s endorsement of or affiliation with non-university entities, products, services, viewpoints, and/or political candidates, parties and activities, except that a student organization with a political reference in its name may use the Auburn University name as permitted by this policy;
  • Discrimination against any person or group based on age, race, ethnicity, disability, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status;
  • References to gambling, alcohol (in a non-educational manner), tobacco, illegal substances, illegal activity, violence, weapons (that are not germane to the organization’s official activities), profanity, or sexually explicit designs or products; and
  • Use of a current Auburn University student-athlete’s name or likeness.


  1. Complete and submit the online Licensing Authorization Form below to the Office of Trademark Management and Licensing for approval.
  2. Select a university licensed vendor.
  3. Upon approval, present a fully executed authorization form in person or via e-mail to the licensed vendor manufacturing the product with your order.
  4. The licensed vendor will then submit your artwork to the Office of Trademark Management and Licensing for review and approval. Any necessary changes to the design will be communicated directly to the licensed vendor.

Brand Use Request Form

Please complete the form below with information about your brand usage request:

Does this project involve one or more 3rd-party sponsor(s)?(Required)
Give a name to this project
How will the items be distributed?
How many of these items will be ordered?
Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, eps, Max. file size: 100 MB.
If applicable, please attach your proposed design or rough sketch of the desired design.