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Club Sports

Club Sports Teams are athletic organizations that are involved in regular competitions that are affiliated with a national governing body.

Competitive Clubs

Competitive Clubs are involved in regular participation in official competitions outside of Auburn University for their specific organizational purpose.

Contract Printing

Contract printing occurs when blank goods are taken to a licensee to be embellished with Auburn trademarks. Contract printing is not allowed for Auburn product, as the entire product must be purchased from the licensee.  This ensures that the product meets quality and safety standards and labor code requirements.

Fraternity and Sorority (Greek Life) Organizations

Fraternities and sororities that are social Greek-lettered (in most cases) organizations affiliated with an inter/national organization.  Fraternities and sororities are entitled to maintain single-sex membership consistent with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.


Items purchased for resale, give away, or internal use by any student organization.

Registered Student Organizations

Registered Student Organizations are student-created organizations based on the common interest of their members.

Sponsored Student Organizations

Sponsored Student Organizations are organizations formed to advance an interest that is closely related to a University school/college or department and to contribute to the mission of the University.  Sponsored Student Organizations must be sponsored by a University school/college or department, and a University dean or vice president must complete a verification form confirming that affiliation.  Although governed by students, Sponsored Student Organizations typically are subject to significantly more University oversight and management than other student organizations.


A trademark (or mark) is any logo, image, symbol, nickname, letter(s), word, slogan, branding element, or derivative used by an organization, company or institution to identify its goods/services and distinguish them from other entities or competitors.